Beyond Theology: On the Design of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages Bran Selic President, Malina Software Corp. CANADA Abstract As a technical discipline in its infancy, lacking the support of either established know-how or theoretical foundations, software engineering is often characterized by acrimonious and emotional debates on the merits and demerits of this or that technical approach or method. This is not without value, in the sense that opposition to an idea can be used constructively as a stimulus for its improvement. However, on the negative side, this often leads to polarization, such that ideas may be either accepted totally and uncritically or, alternatively, totally and ruthlessly rejected. A particularly fallow debate of this type which has raged in recent years pertains to the "right" way of designing domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs). In this talk, we attempt to separate the emotional issues from the technical ones and examine the topic from an objective perspective - inasmuch as this is feasible by someone who is a contemporary of and participant in the debate. The intent is to approach the issue constructively rather than antagonistically. To that end, we first examine a fuller spectrum of requirements for DSMLs; requirements that extend beyond just the obvious technical aspects. This helps us generate a set of criteria that can be used in evaluating which approach to use in which circumstances. Next, we examine the two seemingly opposing methods, as well as hybrid combinations of the two, and discuss their strong and weak points. In particular, we examine some of the specifics of the much-maligned profile mechanism defined by the OMG for their MOF-based languages. Finally, we outline a proposal for the study of a theory of DSML design.